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World Action on Salt. Sugar & Health

Mission and Aims


We work to help countries worldwide achieve a reduction in dietary salt intake from the current average of 10-15g per day to the World Health Organization (WHO) maximum target of 5g per day. We also aim to lower sugar and excess calorie intake and advocate for mandatory nutrition labelling, marketing restrictions on unhealthy food and public awareness campaigns. 

By ensuring robust and comprehensive reformulation programmes are in place worldwide, we can help ensure a fall in cardiovascular disease, obesity, tooth decay, type 2 diabetes and several cancers. 


  • Build a global network of experts with an interest in reformulation
  • Provide resources and advice to the network to aid in the development, implementation and monitoring of population-level reformulation strategies and policies
  • Help aid the translation of the vast body of evidence from the scientific community about the dangers of excessive salt, sugar and calorie consumption into policy worldwide
  • Stimulate action on salt, sugar and calorie reduction from governments, the food industry, the media and the public 
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