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World Action on Salt. Sugar & Health



A study was conducted to estimate the mean salt intake in the Bangladeshi adult population found that in rural areas of the country, salt intake was an alarming 17.2g per day and in urban areas was 16.8g/day. This was estimated from questionnaires and spot morning urine analysis. The study states that the Bangladeshi population have a strong preference for salty taste, including salted pickles, salt with sour fruits and preservation of fish in salt.

The full study can be found here.


A study found that drinking water sources can contain up to 1.3g of salt per litre of water in Bangladesh, as natural sources such as ponds and rivers have become saline from seawater intrusion. This has been caused by environmental changes and poor water management. Consequently, the study found that there was an increased risk of pre-eclampsia and gestational hypertension in the population.

A further study evaluated the effect that beliefs, perceptions and practices associated with salt had on salt intake in Bangladesh. The study found that people believed there were both health benefits and risks associated with salt, but that they believed cooking rendered salt harmless. The participants of the study did not realise that salt occurs naturally in their water and foods.

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