
World Action on Salt & Health

Salt and Your Health menu

Children and asthma

Salt and respiratory illness

The incidence of asthma is rising. Although it seems that, while salt is not a direct cause of asthma, a high salt diet, eaten by many children can act as a major aggravating factor. One study in the 1980s has shown that regions of England and Wales that have the highest sales of table salt also have the greatest numbers of deaths from asthma in children [ 25] . Another study among 2,593 children found that personal table salt use was strongly related to coughing, phlegm and wheezing and wheezing after exercise. These associations were mainly found in boys [ 26] . Bronchial reactivity is linked to sodium balance. It has been shown that a reduction in salt intake is associated with a reduction in the consumption of bronchodilators, higher peak flow and improved symptoms [ 27].

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